Blue Coat CE VA Primary School, Symn Lane, Wotton-under-edge,
Gloucestershire GL12 7BD

01453 525 020

Year 1 & 2

Class Green, Truth and Peace
Key Stage 1 starts in Year 1 and ends in Year 2. We work hard to ease the transition between EYFS and Year 1 as this can be a challenging time for the children as they move from a play based curriculum to the more formal National Curriculum. We have 3 parallel classes in Key Stage 1, where Year 1 children learn with Year 2's. 
The experienced staff provide stimulating opportunities for play in the Autumn term as well as providing lots of exciting hands-on learning opportunities. The curriculum in Key Stage 1 reflects the changing needs of the children as they begin subject based learning including English and maths as well as, amongst others, history, science and computing.
Key Stage 1 is an exciting stage when many children develop increased fluency as readers and writers. They become confident with basic maths concepts that provide the basis for future learning. The children are well established with the routines of school and quickly develop strong relationships with their new teachers and consolidate friendships made in their first year at school. 

Autumn Term PE Days September 2024


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


PE Day


PE Day





PE Day 


PE Day




PE Day 


PE Day 


PE Kit Information

For hall sports & summer athletics:

  • white plain tee
  • black/blue shorts
  • socks (outdoors)
  • trainers/daps

For outdoor games in cold weather:

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Plain navy or black tracksuit (or sweater and jogging bottoms)
  • socks
  • trainers 



Although your child will be taught to read at school, you can have a huge impact on their reading journey by continuing their practise at home.

Children in Mile Post One continue to follow the Little Wandle scheme for reading and phonics. Whilst they are still learning through the Little Wandle scheme the children will bring home a reading practice book. This will be at the correct phonic stage for your child. They should be able to read this fluently and independently. They will also bring home a sharing book. Your child will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you both to read and enjoy together. Your child will bring home new books each Wednesday. Please ensure they are returned on a Monday.

Here is a link to the Little Wandle website where you can find more information about the scheme.

Little Wandle

In Year Two, most children will move on to the school’s levelled ‘reading scheme’. We carefully select books that match your child’s reading ability and regularly monitor this in school. By reading these books we ensure children are provided with a broad breadth of reading experiences where they’re exposed to age appropriate themes, ambitious vocabulary and a range of different genres. 

Year 2 children with levelled 'reading scheme' books will have their books changed each Wednesday, so please make sure to send your child into school with them on this day. 

Each week, your child will be working towards a five-star reader reward. They will achieve this reward by reading five times a week, over five weeks (this does not have to be five consecutive weeks although it is preferable).

To earn this reward your child will need to read at least five times each week at home. However, at Blue Coat we strongly believe that all children should have the opportunity to read for pleasure by choosing their own text to read whether it’s a magazine, comic, recipe or even a set of instructions.

Therefore, we suggest that your child reads the Little Wandle practice book or levelled reading scheme book three times a week and a text of their choice twice a week. You will need to record their reading into their reading records in order to earn their five-star reader reward.

          School Reading List Year 1        

          School Reading List Year 2        

How to support your child with reading at home

KS1 Writing ideas for parents


In Mile Post One, the children have a weekly spellings which they need to learn at home. In Year One these spellings are taken from the list of common expectation words and in Year Two their spellings follow patterns.

The spellings are tested on a Monday in class.


How to support your child with spelling

Below you will find out Key Knowledge Booklet. This booklet contains all of the mathematical knowledge that children need to know by the time they leave Key Stage 1. 
During Autumn 1 we will be focusing on place value. It is really important that your child is confident with the concepts from page 1 - page 5. We will also be learning about shape. Please look through pages 9 - 11 with your child. We will be covering these areas during our lessons in school, but by supporting them with extra practise at home it will help to secure the concepts and increase your child's fluency when recalling them. 

Autumn Term 2024 Key Learning

We hope your child enjoys taking part in the activities on this term's Home Learning Grid.

What are we learning about this Autumn 2024 term?