Book a personal tour with the Headteacher of Blue Coat Primary School
phone 01453 525020
Admission to Reception
Pupils will be admitted at the beginning of the academic year (1st September) following their 4th birthday, without reference to ability or aptitude (normal admission round). The number of intended admissions for the year commencing September 2023 will be 45. The School Admissions Policy and criteria should be read in conjunction with information available at admissions.
Gloucestershire County Council provide a Parent’s Guide to the School Admissions Online Application
Paper copies of documents may be obtained from the Gloucestershire Admissions & Transfers Team who can be contacted at:
Education, Learning and Libraries, Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Westgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2TP
Telephone: 01452 425407. Email:
In Year Admissions
If you are moving into the area with a child already at school, you are invited to visit the school and to meet the Headteacher.
For information on In Year Admissions please contact the school office via email or by phone 01453 525020
The school admissions criteria are as follows:
- Looked After Children/Previously Looked After Children.
- Children who have an sibling attending the School and who will continue to do so
when the younger child is admitted. - Children for whom only one particular school is appropriate due to an exceptional medical condition.
- Children with the strongest geographical claim
As the admissions authority, the governors are responsible for admitting children to the school. When the number of applications for places exceeds the standard number of 45, priority will be given in accordance with the criteria in the admissions policy. Unsuccessful applicants will be advised of their right to appeal. Details of the appeal procedure are available from the School Office.:
You should:
- Appeal within 20 days of receiving the letter refusing a place
- Receive at least 10 days’ notice of the time and venue for the appeal hearing
- Decision letters will be sent within 5 school days of the hearing wherever possible.